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Re: some issues that have arisen lately...need input
warthog Views: 4,769
Published: 18 y
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Re: some issues that have arisen lately...need input

In addition to quitting Iodine (as you did), consider food-based supplementing like I have done - brewer's yeast, raw honey & bee pollen (not the dehydrated sad-looking pollen, only the bigger, brighter colored), beets, whatever you can get your hands on. I also take fulvic minerals, which is going toward the "not so much like food" end of this spectrum. Raw apple cider vinegar, too. The quality of fruits & veggies depend on the soils they were grown in.

I've never had the joint problems, but I'm not sure this is just a factor of age (I'm 30), because I believe another person around my age reported the joint aches. Also, I advocate only taking tiny amounts of the concentrated food supplements as described above, then building up.

This may help you get some of your nutrients in balance. I've never had much luck consistently taking a single (or double or triple) mineral supplement like magnesium. It seems to throw other things out of balance. I feel best when I take small amounts of Lugol's and small amounts of food-based supplements throughout the day. Something inside me tells me to go VERY slowly with the Lugol's.

And I take breaks from Iodine all the time. Some ways of thinking, like Ayurvedic, would never even touch Iodine supplementation or Liver Flushes I guess, because it's all about "go slow." I suspect this is about keeping the body in balance. Whenever you are trying to rid your body of lots of crud that took years to accumulate, you must be vigilant about your body getting overloaded - toxins coming out of places they were stored in relatively "safe" ways for your body to deal with, coming into your digestive and circulatory systems.

I agree, it's far better to report this for everyone considering using iodine to judge whether it is right for them and how to proceed with it.


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