Re: some issues that have arisen lately...need input
Some thoughts:
If your kidneys hurt while salt-loading, (assuming you were taking the full amount of water), you probably have too much bromide coming out TOO FAST through the right route (the kidneys). That is a sign to stop detoxing by stopping
Iodine completely until the kidneys rest.
The ears ringing sounds like huge adrenal stress from the thyroid getting fed too fast. 100 mg Pantothenic Acid, 100 mg Vitamin B6 and 1,000 mg Vitamin C 3X Day indefinitely should help that.
Again, from every detail you've given, I would not resume
Iodine until a week AFTER ALL SYMPTOMS HAVE GONE AWAY. And get your adrenals working so the ear-ringing stops.
Be sure you are taking the companion nutrients before resuming even one drop of
Iodine a day. Then you might work up from there.
These suggestions come from observing my own and others' experience over the last three years. If the pain and ear-ringing do not resolve shortly you should see a doctor. There's always the outside chance the symptoms are unrelated to iodine.
Please write back and report your progress :) .