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Re: some issues that have arisen lately...need input
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Re: some issues that have arisen lately...need input

Any and all reports are welcome here, positive and negative. We need the facts.

My first response to your discomfort/ pain is that it is probably bromide detox. I see from your report that you're not using the salt loading protocol or most of the Iodine companion nutrients. Please see

Bromide sometimes appears to get "stuck" on the way out of our bodies. It can inflame the joints. Also, bromide detox can happen, not just in the beginning, but later on, in bursts.

You may need a complete "wash out" of Iodine (stop completely) for a week or more to get your detox organs and joints cleaned up. When you restart again, please reconsider salt-loading and the companion nutrients and let us know how it goes.

Thanks for the detailed info!



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