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Salt loading
pb3046 Views: 5,158
Published: 18 y
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Salt loading

It is the chlorine in the salt that helps the body get rid of the toxins. There is a post somewhere that shows how much bromide was excreted with salt as opposed to without it.

In my opinion, it is the lack of salt loading that causes the problem. Additionally, it is so important to keep bowels open, open, open. This cannot be said too much. If you can't take the salt, you will have to take even more breaks. I am at a high dose and figure I am up for 2-3 years at the rate my detox is going (not that bad). I take one day a week break.

It is a game, almost to manage the detox. But it can be managed. When you find yourself having only one bowel movement a day or less, when you have only a slight headache, when your knees or feet hurt, when your sinuses are congested, when you find yourself tired and sleeping all the time, this is the sign that you need to manage your detox symptoms better. Salt load, salt flush, coffee enema, up the magnesium, more Vitamin C, whatever will get that poison out of your body. It makes no sense to take the iodine, loose the bromide, or fluoride, or metals, and have it recirculate in your body - what's the point in that?


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