good for you!!!!
Excellent work!!! WOWEE!!
I think you have done a good thing, switching to juices. I remember switching from the
Master-Cleanse to juices on day 48 and my energy like a skyrocket! I was bionic!!! And my cleanse continued beautifully.
I asked the wonderful and very supportive folks on the
Master-Cleanse forum if I could remain, and they all said absolutely! We were kind of in it together at that point, like you are here. I am sure everyone would love to hear your continued saga!
REMEMBER to SIP your juice! Never too much at a time, particularly the first couple of days.
Drink fruit juices in the am, veggies in the pm.
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) would be an excellent choice when you have the time (!), but don't forget a plain water enema, which gives you much better control over when you do your colon cleanse. The more gunk you keep moving OUT, the better you will feel. I feel DRAMATICALLY better today, after my very productive
colonic yesterday. I will do another tomorrow, and another Friday and hope that will put me straight again. Stuff was starting to stick again (bad news)! Must... get... gunk........ OUTTT!!!
We're all rooting for you. I know juices will carry you to your goal feeling fabulous. Back in the saddle again!
Big hug,