I got the mirena in the spring of 05. I started having simple seizures in Fall. Of course I didn't know I was having seizures. I had other problems. Horrible hip pain. Couldn't sleep. So I found a forum this spring to see what other people where going through. I had decided to get this thing taken out. But of course I already realized that my little episodes I was having might be seizures. So I scheduled to go see a DR. So I got my IUD taken out, had one more siezure, and now I am being medicated for seizures. Oh what a mess that thing has made of my life. I am now trying to get my Dr. to agree that IUD caused it but I need documentation to back it up. I'm not really having a whole lot of luck with that end of it. If anyone else has been having seizures I hope they post it. This thing needs to be taken off the market it has changed my life forever. The seizure meds are not good. They make you slow. Take care everyone.