Re: Need advice about my daughter
Hello again.
Thank you again for working with me here...
You're welcome.
here I have been, working on my own immune disorder and concentrating on parasitic as well as bacterial infections [lyme]. I figured I would be able to help my daughters if I could find out about my immune problem, but it has taken me so long and I have been hit with one thing after another. I am guessing now that it is all related to mycoplasma, but am not sure what to believe beyond that. I have some comments and more questions if you don't mind....?
Please take your time.
First in order, is to response to your concerns: "Well if you do, don't tell her you spoke to m.d.'s [not her kind]."
Do not worry, I would never speak of my private conversations with people who are able to think outside the box...people who are advocating healing methods based on unbiased knowledge and experience.
The comment above was a little joke, but thank you anyway.
What is so wrong with taking a calculated risk and try something that has worked for the majority of others? Imagine all the other risks we have already taken based on advice from the medical community. And what many people I think don't realize is that we ALL have been guinea pigs of the pharmaceutical industry [and others?]for many years.
So true.
So having said that, if you don't mind, I would like to learn more here..."Track this down and get rid of it anyway you can NOW before it gets worse. Over time, experience tells us, it would. If they put her on Antibiotics alone [antibacterial agents], in my humble opinion that could be a mistake. If she's thin now and some years afterwards she gets overweight all of a sudden, make no mistake: It's the same problem, in my opinion. If she improves and gets better after the treatment, but doesn't feel "quite like herself", the problem is still inside her, latent and waiting. I have learned that Chronic problems are TOUGH, but when they go, they go 100% all the way and aren't likely to come back."
Ok, I won't hold you to this if nothing works, but based on the above statement, I wondered if you wouldn't mind clarifying some things for me:
1. What do you mean about not just using you mean adding the zapping, CS, iodine ozonating etc?
No. I mean that presuming simply a Bacterial Infection without further evidence, where surely more could be at work against Health [from what experience seems to tell us], could be a mistake.
2. Interesting that you mentioned weight gain...she is constantly trying to lose weight and can't, even though she exercises, eats well and is conscious of calories. How does 'this' make someone gain weight?
It has long been my suspicion that maybe Weight Gain/Obesity are closely related to some kind of Chronic Infection/Infestation along with some "factors" [as I call it]. I believe I've mentioned this in more detail in other posts. A relationship between "Bacteria in the Gut" and Obesity seems to have been established already [scientifically], this year, I think.
[A note: My 'suspicions' are not personal; they are what I call 'Scientific suspicions', 'educated suspicions'; they're usually based on very careful observations, Laboratory notes and rigid logical derivations]
Another question in regard to her sinuses being drained..."If I were her parent, I wouldn't. Just a student's opinion."
3. What are your concerns about this?
That the drainage could help/cause the Infection/Infestation to spread even deeper and to give you a false sense of security by believing the problem is gone. This concern of mine has nothing to do with the acting doctor's ability, but with what I've observed happen so many times before regardless of the technique employed.
I figured that was the only way I could find out what is really lurking up there as I thought that after it was drained, there would be another culture done...
Well, it's not THE only way, but in that case, I think it'd be safe not to assume and to ask the physician FIRST if cultures would be performed afterwards, and which type of cultures, don't you think? [It's good to remember that 'selective cultures' only look for specific kinds of organisms and discard the [possible] rest. It appears to me that for some reason many physicians and 'culturing labs' seem to love selective methods]
do you think this grayish-black matter is S. Aureus related, or do you have any ideas as to what this is?
Hard to say. That 'debris' could be many things, I think, but from what you've said probably I'd start to suspect a secondary layer of Aspergillus spp. or something like it first, regardless of whatever bacterium could be found. The 'Primary Underlying Cause' would be my main and final goal/target, however.
"...examines her mucocutaneous layer is likely to find "something" there, "extending anterior to posterior" from face to trunk [they should know what this means]. I would bet also that this is NOT the sole cause of the problem."
4. In your opinion, what do you suspect IS the sole cause of the problem?
I'm not sure. In fact, I'm not even sure there is a 'sole' cause. I wouldn't want to speculate despite holding so many possible 'clues', because it's my opinion that speculation is very dangerous, specially with regard to these matters.
[To answer precisely and in Truth with regard to a 'possible sole cause' for this problem, I need to study more and to collect more evidence. By the way, part of these 'clues' that I have are scattered here on Curezone as posts. I welcome you to search around for them and then to ask any other question that comes to you while reading. This is a subject of Deep Thought and discussion, in my opinion, and it's also the subject of ongoing research]
Lastly, I will leave you with more sordid details...
I believe we have a skin parasitic problem, currently labeled morgellons. I will skip the timeline and details of my discovery of this, but I don't have many lesions thank god, and the kids have none; after seeing more than I have wanted to [skin fibers, black specs, red fibers coming off of white bed sheets that I rolled with a lint roller] NOW I am noticing many bug larvas....everywhere. I took another dose of mebendazole recently and a huge amount of what seemed to be arthropod larva emerged in my bath water....I have unbelievable photos.
I'd like to see a couple, if possible.
Before this stage though, it was just many little pieces of fibers...guess this is a different stage of the same affliction. I saved it for further CDC or hopefully some other organization that would be trustworthy and not afraid of administrative pressure to sweep this under the rug.
Do you still have these 'fibers'?
I plan on doing some protocol with my kids, although am not sure what protocol should be just yet. I currently take olive leaf extract and an immune booster, H202 baths and have tried iodine but had a huge reaction to it and slept most of the day. So I don't think my kids can handle cleanses and any alternative protocol while going to school because they just won't do it if I am not there....hard to pin them down to do it if I AM here.
The method to my madness is to take Mebendazole first--it works differently by starving them of glucose and so for some reason, I don't have a bad reaction to it. My reasoning is to get whatever this is down to a level where I can manage the die off's of more natural cleanses and protocols. I am also trying to clean the house from top to bottom but get very overwhelmed when I see the kids towels on the floor, cats sneeking up on our beds ...
yikes, I can't even believe that this is my life right now and that I have to worry about such things...
One could lose sanity very easily thinking about things like these. I know.
and now my daughter's chronic infection. I am a single parent and am trying to fight this battle without freaking out the kids and not telling anyone--not an easy task.
Not at all.
But regardless, I obviously am fighting this on my own as I can't tell the END either....
The ENT, right?
just unimaginable how eery this is--the last 8 years have been so bizarre that I feel cursed. Ok, sorry...enough of the self pity party.
You're sharing valuable information, in my opinion. Nothing to feel sorry for.
So my last question is, do you think that her pain and weird black stuff might be related to this parasitic infection?
It's possible, yes, BUT in my opinion, without objective evidence there's no way to affirm it or to deny it.
You're welcome. Don't worry about asking anything else you need to ask.