We get hundreds of people that peruse the forum without posting so it ain't just about you. Unfortunately because of the hype in the gossip rags the MC and many forms of fasting have just about lost the focus of their original intent which is to cleanse and heal.
Many of us have had amazing healing results from the MC myself included so it is nice to have at least one place on the internet where folks can actually come and discuss and use fasting and the MC for how it actually works and it's real intended purposes. There are hundreds and hundreds of dieting sites on the internet and if that is your intent then why don't you use one of those site where you'll find lots and lots of people of like mind. This subject has been covered a million times on this forum and instead of rehashing the same thing over and over I just repost the FAQS which is a distilation of the collective wisdom we have gathered from at least the last 5 or 6 years of actual real world experiences on this forum.
If you wanna give your money to someone like Glickman who like I've mentioned has no credentials whatsoever to make him any kind of authority on the MC (this is no dig. It's a well known fact). By all means give him all your money. If you find it helpful over there by all means stay over there.
By the very nature of what he is doing being a for profit business he has to tailor his answers and book to what appeals to the largest audience and that is desperate and chronic dieters seeking a quick fix weight lost diet. First 2 words in the title of his book??
>>>Lose Weight<<<
I rest my case...............................................