Really wish you would just ZIP IT SHUT, we all read your posts over and over and over and over again about WEIGHTLOSS. i for one don't agree with you nor has my experience been as what you posted. My metabolism actually works better after a fast in which I can actually eat MORE than before the fast and not gain like I did before the fast. Everybody has a different experience fasting,this weighloss thing is an obsession with you for some reason, AND YES juice fasting can be used for weightloss. Why don't you visit Fasting Center International on here??? With someone who has far more experience than you ever thought of, 30 years to be exact. It most certainly can be used for weightloss, AND has actually cured some eating disorders, believe it or not. Eating disorders are primarily a spiritual problem. Anyhow I am not gonna go on about anything to much as I am sure that you have all the answers, however they are your answers and YOUR opinions, not everybodies.