unconscientious/"underhanded" people don't like principled people-excellent point.
everything you said, been there done that, is correct. the ex-bf i had like that has been married 6 times and had numerous girlfriends. they all get wise to him and start getting upset. if they do show they will be obedient, he will dump them anyway out if fear of them doing it first. it was funny, one gal he dated, she cold-cocked him right in the face, dropped him. they typically seek out abused people to control. he kinda misread that one! i had a boss who is a sociopath, too, and man what a nightmare. they always convince you there is something wrong with you (the ones they can manipulate), as did the ex-bf. you cannot get mentally well until you get away and do not put up with their garbage and illogic. I have a relative who is a sociopath, too. they live in a scheming world and your post describes their behavior to a T.
i recommend life coach doc ali. you can ask her questions and get on her mailing list. she is good.