Grz, this is the 6th year of my health journey. Most people I know give up after the first year because they wanted the cure instantly. I will admit that I wanted an instant cure too but I believe this was a needed journey in the spiritual and physical realms of my life. It's hard to understand pain or sorrows of others without experiencing them yourself.
Every step I have taken has led me to the next greater step and has helped me discern between the lies and the truths of health. How much better off are we that have been sick or ill but searched for truth and found it than the supposably well people running around at this time who are eating the low brix-funny protein foods or are low in iodine or filling themselves with all sorts of dreadful chemicals?
What an important duty that has been set before us this day. For of those to whom much is given, much is required. I see why Moreless works so hard. He has been given so much. :)