Hi Mamacatpatch,
Your Comment: "I'm on Day 5 of the ML alka drink. Oddly enough, I have not noticed anything good or bad. But I will keep on keeping on!"
My Comment: Sometimes the effects kind of sneak up on me, little by little. All I know is that one day I "suddenly" notice that the eczema on my hands is gone and has been gone for quite a while. It seems to be more of a process than an event. By the way, I've lived with this eczema for a great many years. My hands were red, they cracked and bled, they were itchy, felt like sandpaper, and I was embarrassed by them. But I endured it because of all my "issues" it was pretty low level. However, how wonderful to have it be gone.
The heart arrhythmia and the arthritis in the knees were the same--I just had very gradual improvement until one day I realized that the improvement was significant. I really can't say when it happened--just grateful that it did.
So, keeping a journal, such as Di suggests is a very good thing to do. Although I must admit I'm not as good at it as I could be. Just give yourself a period of time, say three months, to be faithful at it. Then go through your health issues and see if it hasn't helped.
Good luck to all of you who are willing to make the effort to help yourself.