Re: Your mind IS amazing! :) n/m Re: Who CARES? Care to elaborate?...Re: a wee-lil' rant - Re: IP6 is misunderstood?
"Going forwarder" is always a good thing. Those that stop learning, admitting their errors and growing are (for all practical purposes) dead & useless.
In virtually every aspect of natural healing "solid" evidence can be found on the internet to support either 'side' of any theory or product. It's how it all fits in to the big picture that ulimately proves which theory is actually correct.
I don't particularly give a hoot over conflicting/clashing personalities - to me it's all about the bottom line. Either strong personalities can support what they say/argue/discuss/claim, or they can't...end of story.
When I enter into any debate, I expect EVERY party to end up winning. If 'my point' turns out to be incorrect and I'm proven wrong, I get to eliminate an untruth and replace it with a truth -- winner!. If 'my point' turns out to be correct and the other persons untruth is brought to their attention, they're a winner! There's NOTHING more educational and uplifting that a true, solid debate (if the debate is 'true', fair, and stays on topic).
My goal is to only lose patience when the debate turns to 'throat ripping' or entered into by those 'timid types' that perceive only hurt feelings, busted egos, and have fear of learning something new (fear of "looking bad")...that's all just a waste of time that causes a 'loss' all the way around.
My favorite "life quote" of all times?
"There is no failure, only failure to learn...and wasted time." Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul
You rock...Rock ON!