a wee-lil' rant - Re: IP6 is misunderstood?
To each his/her own (way of thinking & "deciphering" 'scientific' studies')...and all the conflicting information they continually present.
As for me, if several proven studies clearly show that IP6 eliminates excess iron & calcium in the body, then another study presents itself telling me it does NOT effect iron absorbtion (or any other mineral)...then I defer to logical thinking (and sorry Newport) NOT an SCIO machine to tell me what I want to know.
Studies clearly show that IP6 eliminates excess iron, therefore I would caution anyone with low iron levels or anemia to be extremely cautious in it's use.
Old-line nutritionalists have resported that it hinders the absorbtion of minerals for quite awhile...it'll take more than a report from RicePlex (a company that SELLS the IP6, no less) reporting that a study done on MICE shows no evidence of the same, to convince me there's no need at all for caution.
I'm left at the same place I started...any product from a natural food source that is isolated from the food source and taken in quantities it's not possible to take "naturally" (because one could never consume that much of whatever food the product is isolated from) presents reason for concern & caution - especially (to me) when it's known "chelator".
IP6 is reported to have various (bordering on miraculous) positive benefits, no doubt. But there have been hundreds of similar products over the decades that go through 'honeymoon phases' and turn out to have negative long-term effects. I'm not saying iP6 is one of them, but I am saying it's virtually IMPOSSIBLE to trust ANY "scientific" study (as whether it's "allopathy" or "naturalpathy" doing the funding, virtually all studies end up reflecting the evidence desired by the entity that pays for the research to be done). Truly independent research facilities are more rare than health when eating a SAD diet & trusting MDs. :(
Let us NEVER forget many of the things that 'science' in health care & living have brought us...in the 1900's, medicines containing heroin, morphine and/or opium for colicky babies and
White Sugar ; later on, 'enriched' refined foods, penicillin &
Antibiotics , various prescription drugs, the ability to cut out diseased body parts, chemotherapy, radiation, fluoridated/chlorinated water, etc, etc, etc. ALL these things were backed 'soundly' with scientific studies - and in the short term, many of them DID prove to prolong & save lives. But the end result clearly showed what NO "scientific" study could EVER point to - the human body always and absolutely defies 'scientific' studies. (The functions & abilities of the liver STILL defies even the most knowledgeable experts).
The world of natural healing (especially those with an eye for profit, which is virtually 100% of those marketing supplements) is not stupid enough to NOT get on that decades old bandwagon. And hence, they create 'scientific studies' of their own, and/or point to allopathic ones, which cause us to consider/buy/try based on the information provided...and we end up thinking we actually *know* something that's really true. (read the 'scientific data', buy the product, have it work in the short term...and hence one becomes a believer). But that doesn't mean it's safe for the long term. In fact, it's the opinion of most natural healer that taking large quanities of ANY product that's been isolated from it's source (no matter HOW natural it's source may be), is well, obviously UNnatural and carries the potential for harm.
It's almost impossible to get the truth out of 'natural' companies (I tried for months to pin down Christopher's products on whether or not they use toxic imported herbs in their products since the family took over the company when Dr. Christopher died - they do. I tried for months to pin down Shaklee on the source of their chemicals & herbs, and never got a solid answer - but did get enough evasive answers to come to a solid/negative conclusion).
I'm NOT saying IP6 is bad or dangerous, but I am saying that there's ample reason to exercise caution when ingesting isolated nutrients in quantities one could never ingest naturally...and to be careful in EVERY regard with EVERY product and claim (especially if it's natural!). We already know to be extremely cautious when dealing with MD's and Rx's (because we know their bottom line is generally profit). Don't ever think (not even for one minute) that ND's and supplemental companies don't have the same bottom line to contend with, because they do.
(Case in point, I've now counseled over 20 people that utilized ND's and failed to become better in any substantial regard. In all cases, NONE of the ND's recommending colon cleansing, liver flushing, or juice fasting (yet all of these NDs have the works of Gerson & Schulze in front of them to see anytime they care to look)...in fact, some of them told these people that they were too WEAK to cleanse their organs or juice fast!!! (which is pure bs, of course). BUT they sold them hundreds/thousands of dollars worth of supplements (and who will ever know how much stress they put on their liver & kidneys if their bodies didn't need them) and took hundreds/thousands of dollars for consultations...yet after working with most of these folks for just a few weeks/months -and doing some basics, a few deep cleanses - and some a bit of juice fasting- everybody was seeing permanent positive results).
Folks, there's NO money to be made in ANY form of healing...unless you're selling something. It IS a jungle out there, and we all need to be VERY careful with what we decide to put into our bodies...no matter HOW many "scientific" studies show that "natural" products are 'safe'.
Blankets of blessings,