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Re: My IP-6 experience/headache
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Published: 18 y
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Re: My IP-6 experience/headache

I wrote on this before; I now add SeMC ~1h after my IP6 intake. This has stopped most negative effect by marking cells for apoptosis instead of necrosis.



I have tested this at least twice now, and am as sure as I can get that the work IP6 does to cancer cells is what causes the toxic side effect. If those cells (newly differentiated) don't get SeMC they will start necrosis.



Anyhow that's my finding, and there is no accredited research study for this:)


Inducing Differentiation

Cancer cells are not simply normal cells that grow too quickly. They also fail to differentiate. Nearly every cell in the body contains the DNA for the entire organism, but a healthy cell only turns on a small portion of this DNA, so that a lung cell is different from a brain cell, a liver cell, or a red blood cell. Cancer cells fail to undergo this process, which gives them an ominous, primitive appearance and prevents them from performing their normal function in the body. Histological studies have shown that IP6-treated human cancer cells (including the colon cancer cell line HT-29, rhabdomyosarcomas, HepG2 human liver cancer, and erhythmoleukemias) show signs of differentiation, returning them to normal appearance and function (phenotype). As Shamsuddin has remarked, “IP6 does not kill cancer cells; it tames them and makes them behave like normal cells.”



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