18 y
Re: EXACTLY! "bouncing around" Re: Why has cleansing never worked?
Please, please try the vitamin D plus Calcium and magnesium, see my post below,
I wrote to you before how protein and oil helped my skin sooo much well the vitamin D, calcium and mag brought me to near 95% normal. I used to have these red pustules that dr.s called rosacea pustules, very angry red-no head just bumpy under the skin, the vitamin D plus calcium has almost totally eliminated these within a month, I saw definate clearing of them after two weeks and now I have only two tiny ones visible. Someone posted a link to vitamin D being a natural antibiotic, read here
lots of my other health issues have been resolving too like dry skin, peeling lips, dandruff, insomnia, depression, mood swings, etc. I should add that I have also been taking
Lugols Iodine with the vitamin D, I had tried the
Lugols alone for a while and it never helped with my skin issues, but I feel like it may help with the vit. D and other minerals. If you try this please stop other supplements, I have noticed that other minerals seem to oppose calcium and make my skin dry and prone to papules-zinc, copper, manganese, too much magnesium, potassium, omega 3. These opposition reactions happened a lot in the begining of my vitamin D, calcium, mag supplementation but now after a month I get less of opposition reactions. This tells me I had a deficiency and my stores are being replenished.
Do you get enough sun/day,