Help I may have parastites!!
Hi I am wondering if anyone can help me here, I have been seeing an alternative health practitioner for a few months who is now saying that she thinks my health problems are due to parasites. I have many health issues, endometriosis, digestive problems, swollen burning stomach, allergies, bleeding gums, on. She asked me if I had a done a lot of travelling, swimming in rivers, walking bare foot so on which I have. She could be right... the only thing is that I didn't go travelling until my early 30's and I have been ill with the first thing, which was digestive problems since I was about 17. I did do a
parasite cleanse
Clarkia one about two years ago and I did get what looked like worms out but I only did it for about three weeks which I know is not long enough. Anyway she wants me to go on a really controlled diet, cut out suger, wheat, dairy, so on and to do the herbs again and see what happens, which I am happy to do anything which might get rid of this for me. Though I feel a bit despondent because from the things I have read
parasites are really difficult to get rid of and I have read here that it can take years is this true? Any advice or word of support would be appreciated