Re: Help I may have parastites!!
I was thinking about doing just that but then I took my bottle of
Lugol's and when I want to see my health practitioner yesterday and she did a test to see if I would be too sensitive and she said that it was a definite no no for me, she said that Kelp would be ok. I am going to go along with her advice for now because basically I have been paying her evey bit of spare cash I have and I just want to give this sometime to see if what she is suggesting will work. The
Iodine thing is something that I may try sometime down the line...thanks for the suggestion though. When you say-
Ding Xiang (Cloves) Contraindications:
Febrile diseases; yin deficiency
**also gall stones since Cloves stimulate bile production
Could you expand on this please, are you saying that Cloves are not a good thing to use?
Thanks for the kindness Moonie