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Re: Sort O/T but not really...CANDIDA
masha Views: 3,630
Published: 18 y
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Re: Sort O/T but not really...CANDIDA


The food intolerances are really horrible, aren't they. And I'm a person who loves to cook. It got to the point that I had to make stuff for myself at family gatherings, and then all the stuff they got to eat but I couldn't ): I at least feel greatful now that I actually understand what is going on. That it's a combination of yeast, leaky gut, and malnutrition basically. I really think the Iodine is the missing link. I did go to so many practitioners, both traditional and natural, but for about four years I just got progressively sicker.

I am doing a Bowel Cleanse right now, along with the iodine. I'm about to up my dosage as soon as the Lugol's gets here (oh boy!) and I know that's helping already. The Iodine has helped with my chronic sinus and chest congestion, but I haven't seen a huge difference with my digestion yet, but I think I need to be on a higher dose. I just think it was so coincidental that you posted that, because I've recently been brave enough to put things back into my diet that before they told me were big no-no's like fruit and any grains at all. I'm eating rice in moderation again, and lots of cultured veggies, and water kefir. I'm still not to the point that I will eat wheat again, but I'm hoping with the Iodine and the cleansing that I might be able to indulge once in a while.

What has worked for you to kill the yeast? Right now I'm taking ADP emulsified oregano oil, potassium Iodide + companion nutrition, and zapping. I'm also going to add in the Humaworm parasite cleanse when it gets here because I've heard of a lot of people clearing up their candida with that as well.

I've never juiced, although I do have the juicer sitting there in the corner, with lots of dust on it....Do you do acutal juice fasts?

Thanks so much!



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