Re: Sort O/T but not really...CANDIDA
Thank you for sharing so much. That really gives me hope. It's wonderful that you've had such a turn around. I can't beleive that they had you on
Antibiotics for 1.5 years! I think my problems were cumulative because I had been on
Antibiotics a couple times a year since I was 2 for recurrent sinus/lung infections (which never really went away anyway). But it was going on a ten day course of zithromax my senior year of college that set off the horrible downward health spiral. I really think that all of my "good bugs" were killed off at that point because I suddenly couldn't digest anything and I've had a recurrent yeast infection ever since.
I also have the boxes of useless supplements that were supposed to help me! A juice fast kind of scares me, but I think I might try one when I am done with the Humaworm. I'm not sure about the probiotics either. I've taken tons of them, and yet, when my naturopath had me do a stool test it still showed that I had zero amounts of beneficial bacteria, but plenty of yeast and klebsiella. Lately I've switched to making cultured veggies and kombucha and kefir, and that seems to help my digestion slightly (and it's cheaper and yummier!) but I haven't had another test done, so I don't know for sure if they're colonizing.
What is cayanned?