Thanks, doll. Unfortunately, the day I "down" an 8 ounce (forget about two!) of anything at once is the day I drop dead. Won't happen. Can't happen. I've got a good cayenne tincture or to here. Also have Sinus Busters, I've got it all. I'll spend some time playing around - but I'd like to avoid any heavy drinking in the process. (Call me lame, a wimp/loser - those are the toughest protocols for me. Just make me gag rendering the whole process useless.)
>>the sinuses & ears are connected..<<
TELL me about it. (Better yet, %¤#&!§- ENT I paid 900 bux to have probe and abuse me a year ago when it all started - tell him that they are connected and that Nasonex, cortisone this or that, etc. is as good for us as poison. Didn't take any of it, btw.)