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BTDT with recurring ear infection...Re: Uny?
unyquity Views: 3,956
Published: 18 y
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BTDT with recurring ear infection...Re: Uny?'s what I did:

This Colloidal Silver is 2000 ppm (yep, TWO THOUSAND) - I don't think/know if it's "true" Colloidal Silver , and I would NEVER take this internally (CS kills ALL bacteria; it doesn't care if they're good or bad). Either dip a -tip in it and squeeze it against the ear canal, or just put a couple of drops in a couple of times a daily. This will knock it out faster than anything else I found/tried that you can apply from the 'outside' (and I tried a LOT of things - I was in excruciating pain).

(Also, never forget the importance of Mr. S.A. Wilson and his coffee for pain AND infection relief - the enemas knock out free radicals and I've never known anyone -myself included- to not see almost immediate results for acne/skin infections and other 'swelling' type infections)

But the CS along is not going to knock-out the 'recurrent aspect'. That can be safely/effectively done with a good Echinacea tincture. As you probably already know, Echinacea does not "kill" anything, it super-bolsters your own immune system to fight exactly what IT knows needs to be fought. And because you're not using a "killer" (natural or otherwise), then your immune sytem 'learns' the identify/parameters of whatever the invader is and how to kill it...creating a 'natural immunity' :) The whole 'switch from Antibiotics to something natural that does the same thing' thing, just doesn't make sense to me. Killing off bacteria indiscriminately (with ANYthing) is something we know to be harmful...and many of the "natural killers", kill indiscriminately (just like Antibiotics ). So for me & mine, bolstering the immune system and getting rid of as many free radicals as possible (so the immune system can devote itself to fighting the 'whatever') is the way to go for me.

You can get high quality/very effective echinacea tinctures from:

Southern Botanicals//Health Freedom Resources

Herb Pharm: Manufacturers of Organic Liquid Herbal Extracts

Gaia Herbs: Official Site


I'm pretty positive it's a 'sure thing' that if you put the CS drops in daily for a week or so, and take (at the very least) two weeks of double doses of echinacea tincture, you'll knock out the ear infections completely (AND a whole lot of others things - read what all echinacea is known to cure in the links below). But if you EVER feel even the slightest hint of one coming on again, just take a double-triple dose of the echinacea, maybe a drop or two of the CS in the ear...and I can guarantee it won't ever progress to a 'pain stage'.

'Gotta fly - I was just doing a quick 'forum check' and saw my "Uny".

Great big fluffy blankets of blessings,


P.S. Here's a lot of good information about echinacea!


Immune System Herbs - Formulae and Therapeutic Action - A Modern Herbal | Echinacea - Herb Profile and Information

Herbal Information Center-Echinacea - Herbs

Echinacea Wellness Tip of the Month

Dispelling Myths About Echinacea :: Holistic Healing :: Herbal Remedies :: A-F :: echinacea (Echinacea purpurea)


Therapeutic Action: Echinacea Root is one of the STRONGEST Immune Stimulators and Enhancers known! It will INCREASE the amount of T-cells and Macrophages in your bloodstream; it can DOUBLE and TRIPLE them in just a few days! It also INCREASES the amount of Interferon, Interleukin, Immunoglobulin and other IMPORTANT Natural Immune Chemicals present in your Blood! This is how Echinacea works, by BOOSTING the number of your Immune Cells and amounts of Natural Chemicals and then stimulating them into MORE activity and action. The benefit of Immune Stimulation is a shorter duration of existing Colds and Flu and/or prevention of FUTURE Infections. It also initiates and speeds up RECOVERY from chronic and long-term Immune Depression Illnesses, Diseases and Degeneration.

(from the 2nd link above)



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