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Don't mind at all... :) Re: Hope you don't mind if I butt in here...
justnmerciful Views: 2,173
Published: 17 y
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Don't mind at all... :) Re: Hope you don't mind if I butt in here...


Thank you for your insights and for verifying that we pretty much instinctually figure out as we go along what we are to do and in what order. I think that mostly my confusion of late has been because of starting Humaworm a week ago. Will the salt first hurt the herbs, etc. I shall ask my concerns over at Humaworm forum due to your advice below.

"The first thing you must do is cleanse your body. That is what CZ is based on. Without going through the cleanses, everything you do will be added to organs that are already in distress. Concentrate on the various cleanses. There is enough information on each of those forums to help you decide which cleanses you think you need to do. Then follow each cleanses protocol, timing, etc. If you want to add anything now, the people on those respective forums will help you."

Good advice, thank you. So far I've done liver flushing, bowel cleansing, kidney cleansing and now am on Humaworm. Within the past 3 months and 1 week, I've experienced better eyesight... (lol, have to take my glasses off now to see up close!), greater energy, and most importantly I know that I am no longer dying. Yes, I knew I was dying, but now I have come back to living. There are probably other benefits that due to just now awakening from a nap I do not think of quickly.

"After cleansing, start thinking about your diet. I have no idea what you are doing now, but if you need to think about it, do so. Read everything you can about what you are ingesting. Decide if these are things you can live with or without.

Then you can start to add the other protocols. It's a matter of reading each one, and then finding out what you should do with that particular protocol. "

Thank you for the validation that I am going about this the right way. :) Though, my diet was improved at the same time as doing the cleanses, and continues to improve.

When I first came to the Iodine Forum, I didn't know it was new. I was looking to see if I could cure myself of hypothyroidism. Looks like I can and will. :) In addition to receiving many other bonuses from this protocol.

"So you can see it's difficult to give you a menu of what we do. You have to figure each one out (with the help of supporters) as you go.

Does that make sense?"

Very much makes

"Now, if you want to know how people do their Iodine and complimentary supplements, then I know that's been posted here before, or you can ask that as a unique question."


"Hang in there, you'll eventally have your own post. Trust me."

Thank you.

A few days ago I was reading a thread that you had posted. Don't remember exactly what I was googling right now, but anyway, you were having trouble with tinnuitis (sp?). How is that coming along for you? Anything helped yet?

Thanks for everything, Molly.



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