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TESTIMONIAL/Re: Input desired~ other means used to assist in healing/detox
warthog Views: 2,643
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TESTIMONIAL/Re: Input desired~ other means used to assist in healing/detox

I'm doing it all wrong.

Vitamin C:
I'm all annoyed lately in my research because I read from a certain doctor that taking vitamin C, period, is not the "true" vitamin C. Any of the ascorbates, he claims, are the "dead" part, without the associated nutrients (rubin, etc.) that occur in food. I bought a bunch of calcium ascorbate...and I read people are taking sodium ascorbate...I wonder if I'm dumping a bunch of "rock" calcium into my body if I take it, but I spent a lot of money on all those bottles (in preparation for heavy metal detox and for the Iodine supplementation regardless of whether there were metals). The result is, I take these big 1000 mg pills only occasionally, as I swing between thinking "they are better than nothing" and "they are doing something counterproductive to my health improvements." I realize that's ill-informed, but there it is for now, and I'll keep researching this.

Sea Salt:
I take Sea Salt in some form every day, in addition to using it on my food. If I'm thinking about it, I'll do the urine "flush" in the morning. Otherwise, I at least add a small amount to my drinking water. At any rate, I haven't had any detox headaches this week.

I'm being stubborn on this one...I'm not sure I need extra selenium. I am hoping that I'm getting what I need from my diet, though I stopped eating Brazil nuts. Then again, I may have started running into trouble. I was taking something like 3-4 drops of Lugol's a day. I was doing a simultaneous Bowel Cleanse (see below). Everything was "moving along..." feeling very light in spirit, having LOTS of BMs...and then yesterday, it slowed down. I stopped having BMs about halfway through the day, and I haven't had one yet this morning...and I stopped feeling the action of my bowels (I like it when I hear and feel gurgling, like everything is moving). Also, I had some crazy sleep yesterday - took a long nap during the day, then found it impossible to get to sleep until after 1 am. I thought I read on this forum that insomnia might be a sign of the need for selenium. I'm wondering when I would know I need some selenium. I'm just trying not to have to buy more individual nutrient supplements. It gets expensive, for one thing, and I can't ever tell if they are necessary or not.

Bowel cleanse this week:
Okra pepsin (one capsule with breakfast & one with dinner each day)
Lower Bowel Balance as needed
Psyllium in warm water sporadically
Raw carrot (seems to help me "go" most of the time), homemade fermented sauerkraut that includes red NM chile powder, occasional pineapple, fresh coconut juice & meat...anything raw foods I can add that contribute minerals, enzymes, and good bacteria
Apple cider vinegar + honey in water, sometimes with the Lugol's added, and/or red NM chile powder, with as many meals as I can manage
Other warming spices, fresh ginger in soups & teas
Prior to these things done this week, I did a Sea Salt water flush for 5 days in a row to clear my bowels, plus a plain water enema on the last day of the flush

Lots of water & other liquids, like herbal infusions, but no rooibos or tea (read both of those have significant amounts of fluorine)
Oil pulling (sunflower oil, once in the morning, sometimes with oregano or peppermint oil added)


- I think my bowels are moving ok now :) Not sure if the insomnia is here to stay. I think I've been sleeping less & feeling better in general this week.
- I forgot to mention I avoid processed food (ESPECIALLY stripped wheat), White Sugar , and pasteurized dairy as much as possible. I'm not perfect - I eat at a restaurant occasionally & something slips through - or I add a little evaporated cane Sugar into something here & there. My body responds with queasiness and other "unhealth" signs if I have too much Sugar (and it doesn't take much), so there's a good bit I can't get away with. White flour constipates me pretty quickly and seems related to some of my face pimples. My dinner is usually very light, consisting of something sweet to start with (small piece of fruit, or just the ACV + honey), vegetables, and a little meat (Alaskan salmon, or pork, beef, or poultry allowed to eat plants & bugs outside in the sunshine).

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