I'm glad I was able to help. I was so frustrated when I first got here. I remember asking the very same question you did. I also remember that I got a list of "how to" from one of the people from the Urine Forum. It was about how and when to drink urine. While I have learned that each has their own protocols, I knew that this was not for me! I was disappointed, but soon realized that each protocol is so different. Some people are trying to "fix" something, some are trying to simply enhance their health. Some people have very serious conditions and have much more aggressive therapies. It's a real mixed bag which will continue to astound you as you get to know the posters. Then there will be one person that something they say really resonates. It's a good idea to go back and read their posts which you can easily do.
Thanks for asking about my Tinnitus. It has progressed and gotten much worse this last year. I cannot figure it out!