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Re: boyfriend has HPV genital warts...
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Published: 21 y
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Re: boyfriend has HPV genital warts...

Hey I really want you to email me. It's I'm really upsett. I just found out that I have HPV, genital warts and I've been with the same guy for 8 months. I've been loyal and it hurts to know that he had this and didn't even know it. He was tested before we slept together and everything came out fine. People don't know they have it because it's microscopic and I think you have to ask specifically to be tested for it. I'm worried. I feel like it's my fault. I called the last guy I was with and he said he doesn't have anything but he will get checked. I feel like I should call everyone I ever slept with because I want to find out if it is my fault. The doctor said there is now way I gave it to him that he had to of given it to me because I would have noticed it earlier. I just feel like damaged goods. I'm worried about cancer in the future and pregnancy. I'm only 20 and I never thought this would happen to me. If I ever sleep with anyone else I'm going to have to tell them. I just need someone to talk to... write me My boyfriend hasn't been tested yet but, it disguists me that his ex gave it to him. It makes me angry and I hate her. She always calls him and I just hate thinking about the people he's been with in the past. I just want to cry.


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