To answer your question: I'm a man. I first noticed I had a wart on my groin about 10 years ago so I have had it for at least 10 years maybe longer. I can't even know which woman had given this to me. I later noticed one on my chest and later 3 small warts on my penis shaft. All together a total of 5 warts that I could see on my body. I burned them off using compound W, an over the counter remedy. I am now currently wart free. I think that there is NO reason to overly stress out about this. I also have moles on my body and I know that from talking to a dermatologist that some moles can be pre cancerous. The best thing to do if you have moles or warts that you don't like is to have them removed. After warts and moles are removed they almost never will grow back (at least in the same place). All human beings are hosts for thousands of viruses it just happpens that one particular virus, HPV, can cause visible warts. The type of HPV that causes warts is not the one that causes cervical cancer.
In general to avoid ever getting cancer or other diseases I recommend just keeping up a strong immune system. Your own body can heal you of all diseases if your immune system is operating at at full capacity! Don't smoke, don't drink, cut back on red meats, eat a lot of green vegetables, excercise a lot and detoxify yourself by drinking wheat grass juice or other cleanses regularly.
My personal approach to clearing my body of viruses is a form of oxygen therapy. I drink food grade hydrogen peroxide (5-25 drops per glass of water) with distilled water. It's like putting bleach on all of your internal tissues without the fatal side effects! Some people claim that electricity can do this also. They use something called a Zapper. I'm personally a little scared of putting current in to my body. To each is own. Hope this helps. Health Freak