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forgot three emphases
eyeball or two Views: 1,508
Published: 17 y
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forgot three emphases

A. can I have my turn to start my sentence with you?

hey, my mind works best when I could come back instead of just impromptu!

I hadn't said that I also have tried adding garlic to ferments like what turned out more a trial more than error for ratioed wild rice under cucumbers and coconut juice. The water logged ingestion was a variant of irritant too I felt.

Also, used to add olives to my kefir, one of my fave makes. Now I'm desiring them crunchiest from unstrained strainer ha-ha for no other comparison!

Also I evidently went to my advocating sunshine in equations of time and need but I do too hold dear air in certainty evaluated. Even pregnancy has that basic quantity and quality requirement so we would be flagrant to ignore it, just like OCD has been linked to low oxygen in the womb habits barring us later can deprive us of spiritedness. There's so much for soma merits yet some as mineral but not neglible I'm tending towards. It may wait out ultimately in one weighing in so to speak or another.

existing interest,

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