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Re: scars are ruining my life!
quirkie Views: 30,928
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 835,798

Re: scars are ruining my life!

I'm in the same situation that you're in and I feel your pain. However, have you ever tried urine on your scars? Well let me tell you that I have tried this faithfully at one point in my life on one of my numerous hypertrophic scars on my face and it certainly showed me a sign that it works. That sign was that small pieces of skin were peeling off. I simply rubbed urine on my scar with a q-tip and allowed it to soak in. I believe that I did this atleast 2-3 times per day. I remember that this took weeks to accomplish. The reason I stopped was because I got impatient. However, I've gone back on this just recently because you have to remember that the effects are everlasting. You are truely curing the scar and the end results should look better than any doctor can achieve. You have to remember that you will not be doing this for the rest of your life. You MUST remain faithful to this extremely cheap and effective treatment. It really works. Please know that God doesn't want or allow anyone to suffer for no reason but wants you to live for him. Curing scars is not really important in life but I believe that the Lord gave us such a cure that only if we have faith in this, (and rubbing urine on your skin definately takes faith) it will work. Everyone who cures themselves from urine therapy definately knows that it is from God and has said so, thus bringing one closer to him. And notice that such a cure from God is accessible to everyone. Even to those on a deserted island. Please remember that Jesus gives his greatest sufferings to his best friends.


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