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Re: scars are ruining my life!
chardy Views: 31,017
Published: 18 y
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Re: scars are ruining my life!

Firstly, I wonder if you have visited
and followed their protocols for several months, coupled with glycolic peels. I understand that such treatments go agasint the more natural cures of CZ but I would be very surprised if after using them thoroughly (all copper peptides are not the same) you get no results.

People with terrible stretch marks have had results, which are often considered the hardest scars to remove/ heal, after keliod. If nothing else, visit that site, it is brilliantly written and provides a lot of information about skin and healing.

Ive used some of their products to treat my scars with good results, using their protocol + 30% glycolic peels.

Secondly, I think you DO have to look at your mental and spiritual state to understand why you arent healing. I can see why you might discount it (as I once did) but the will of the mind can overcome the problems of the flesh far more effectively than creams or peels, but its probably the hardest thing to do. Try to dissolve the pain you feel about the scars, biologically a stress/anger/depressed state is a shock to the physical system for a variety of biochemical reasons which could very much contribute to lack of healing.

I wish you all the best, let us know how you do.


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