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Re: scars are ruining my life!
plasticat Views: 31,217
Published: 18 y
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Re: scars are ruining my life!

Thanks white tiger,

Yeah, I didn't list absolutely everything I have ever done. I have used vitamin E and aloe vera both internally and externally. Acutally I still do use the aloe. I mix raw organic aloe vera juice in my green drink smoothies and I rub the gel right from the plant on my scars. Been doing this for years- no change to the scars.

I used vitamin E for months but nothing changed and I have read since that it is one of the most pervasive skin myths that vitamin E will reduce or remove scars. It actually does not do anything for scars.

Yes, I have used lavender essential oil among countless others. I didn't list them all there but I have used so many alone or it combination that it is hard to count.

Why is it so impossible to remove scars?


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