I agree , it is all about what one values. That is why I value health as #1. I chose not to wait until I or others in my clan are ill to learn about it the hard way from an ill-educated physician who had no choice but to swallow a few poison-pills of disinformation in their studies, in exchange to being awared a license-granting diploma. No medical texts even mention iodine's proven effectiveness in curing and preventing the pre-cancerous condition of fibrocystic breast disease, and that itself evidences the travesty of dogma, which contiues to plague our women.
"The physician of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease." - Thomas Edison
Preventative health maintenance - that is where the true value is, and what SHOULD be being taught. It is what I teach, just as my distant uncle TAE prophesized.