Re: Ipratropium bromide, ALBUTEROL sulfate
<<<(Hmmm, that post was to you. It sure would have been easier/less expensive/more healthy to have looked into/purchased a bottle of Lobelia tincture than going to the ER. eh? I wonder: are you afraid of utilizing natural cures? 'don't trust your own ability to research & comprehend? it's easier to go to allopathic physicians? didn't have the time? I'm not trying to be a smarty-pants, I just want you to know that you really CAN trust yourself...and that everytime your "puff" your albuterol, you ARE ingesting a known poison that displaces
Iodine to relieve your symptoms...when you COULD be ingesting a natural herb)>>>>
I appreciate the input Uny, but I DID try lobelia - maximum dose for 5 days, along with Breathe Deep Tea, ACV & Honey, ACV alone, Ginger tea with Honey...hmmm, what else? oh yeah, threw my cats out of the house, stopped drinking milk, started iodine, more sunlight, hot water with lemon.
I posted the question because I was trying to stay AWAY from the ER and the poisons there. I'm not afraid to cure myself naturally, but I can't function on lack of oxygen and lack of sleep either. My oxygen level was under 90 (minimum should be 93 with optimal being 95+, according to the resp guy at the ER). With one breathing treatment and maybe a few puffs of the inhaler and I will back to where I can function using the lobelia again. That's all I wanted, to level the playing field. I'm not even going to take the steroid, because I would rather continue my
Iodine protocol, to at least combat the puffs on the inhaler.
Thanks for the links!