A strange solution I'm currently trying
I had something that appeared to be folliculitis on my back and has now moved to my scalp. It just doesn't fit with folliculitis though...the large-zit-like bumps never break into heads.
Also, I can feel the tunnels made on my scalp...it's extremely sore, like bruised, all in lines...I can follow the lines with my finger and everywhere the bumps break out, it's on one of those lines.
I discovered something quite by accident though, after trying oil of oregano, melaleuca oil, apple cider vinegar rinses, on my head, etc... The vinegar seemed to help...but then it would come right back... Medicinal grade Lavendar oil from Young Living was the only thing that really worked in a noticable way, but even then, just barely...and it gets really pricey, because I'd use half a bottle in a day trying to get my scalp covered!
Then I had one on my face and put on a dab of my baby's diaper creme (which has zinc oxide in it and boric acid). I tried it because my baby had these same strange bumps on his stomach, and I put the diaper creme on them and they went away immediately...so I thought, heck, why not? It's a type of creme from Louisiana called Boudroux's Butt Creme (might not have spelled that correctly). After only two applications, the bump on my face started going down dramatically, and I continued using the creme until it was all the way down.
I don't know if something in it is actually killing the bacteria/fungus, or if it's smothering the mites/
parasites (since I don't know what this is, bacteria, fungus, or mites, despite my attempts at the doctors to find out?), but it's working.
So the last couple days I've used it on my head, using my fingers to follow the lines and just plastering my scalp with it. I can't report on whether or not it's worked yet (it's hard with a head---I have no idea, you know, becasue I can't see under my hair, I can only feel where it hurts), but I'm going to continue for a week or so, as it has certainly worked on the skin of my back and face. I can feel some strange warm tingling after I apply it on my scalp, particularly in the problem areas...so I'm feeling encouraged.