Re: advice on how i got rid of my parasites and some questions for people experiencing scalp parasites.
KM: Thank you for your realistic and encouraging post. Like you and others on this thread, I have a scalp
parasite with the same symptoms. I have been battling it for 5 months and have had few successes. Docs have been of no help. I won't go into those experiences in this post--not willing to raise my ire and sheer frustration with 'em. I do have microscopic images of the little ("@'s biting me which I will post later. I suspect they are hookworm larvae. I will post more about my experience and progression of the infection. I am interested in asking the posters in this thread a little about your suspicions of where this came from. (My answers follow each question.)
1. Do you live in the city, country or suburbs?
2. Are you the only one in your household who has this?...yes.
3. Do you or did you have pets? Dogs, cats, hamsters, rabbits, horses? ...dogs, but several years ago.
4. Are you one of those people who gets bit by bugs more often than others?...yes.
5. Do you have or use down comforters, pillows, coats or vests? ...yes, all the above, and I noticed my neck itching last Feb. and thought "hmm, down has never made me itch before...and I had a new down coat.
6. Do you have symptoms just on your scalp or elsewhere too? Bottom of feet, back, neck, bra line.
7. Is your home carpeted?..yes.
8. Has anyone diagnosed what you have? ...No If so, what kind of Doc was it and what method did he/she use? Skin snip? Lab? Microscope?
Thanks in advance for your input!