I feel everything you say is good especially the following I believe to be most important: It takes enormous commitment and discipline.........
Knowing to get to the spot where we can be consistent and regular might have been hard when we look back, I would just say it takes committment and discipline grows from the comittment. I will not confuse by saying what is the best technique or not. The Best thing one can do is "Just do it" and do it consistently. I roll out of bed every morning onto the floor whether my legs work or not, I do not give the mind a chance to get to "thinking" one does not need to be fancy or be the most austere "things of the ego". Pick a consistent schedule and do it whether it is 10 minutes or 1 hr. Do not pick 1 hr, If you will not commit to it when sick or having a headache or whatever else life brings you. My comittment is 10 minutes at least, not very impressive for how long I have been meditating, but no matter the situation I can always make it and I probably average several hours anyway throughout the day.