The establishment is what caused all the problems in the first place! They will not fall apart! If anything, they are getting stronger and more powerful! We cannot sit back and wait for it to all fall apart - that will never happen. We need to be pro-active, not reactive. It is usually when someone is so sick (or dying) that they start to look at alternatives. Why let them get that far along? The average person who is not feeling so great is not going to find curezone. Not until they are either dying or are ready to not be sick anymore and start to take charge of their own health. No, we can't sit back and wait for things to happen. I don't have all the answers, except to tell anyone/everyone we know. Yes, there will be many who think we're nuts.....but if you reach just one person, it will make a difference in their life!
Molly, I don't watch Oprah, nor am I a fan, but I think you have a great idea there - she is open to some alternative therapies, and she does reach millions with her show! Great idea!