Ok. I'll make an honest attempt to not be rude in this reply. Your son is gay because he is. People who are truely gay do not choose to be gay. A scientific study that has been done shows that gay people and straight people actually have different chemical structures in their brains. I am a Christian too, and I have read that particular section of the Bible that supposedly says that being gay is bad. But I believe that applies more to rape and unwanted contact than it does to being gay. Adding on to my earlier comment on the scientific study, that would prove that God chose your son to be gay. Why wouldn't God love someone he chose to be that way? I think you should suppourt your son, since he is already having a difficult time, and I think that you should accept him as he is, which is gay. It is true what your therapist said. Actual studies have shown that therapy for being gay is very detrimental to the patient's mental health, and does little to nothing about changing their sexual orientation. Most cases that you hear about that "work", the patient just denies their sexual orientation in order to avoid any further "therapy" that could be done on them. I ask you to take into accout what I have said today, and to let your son be who he is.