Re: The Golden Rule is the entire bible of Jesus
Mankind has chosen different ways of understanding what is written in the bible (INTERPRETATIONS) because what is actually WRITTEN about God is found to be inconvenient and does not allow each person to continue doing whatever they please (MANKIND'S version of peace is to do whatever you want), but Jesus did not come to bring peace, Jesus came to teach us to make an [OBJECTIVE]division between right and wrong (Luke 12:51). The human being can only live correctly by paying attention to their CONSCIENCE (Adam and Eve ate of that tree), that is what God wants of us (to live according to CONSCIENCE). God sent His Son as a gift to humanity to purify our SOULS, but the simple acceptance of the gift (Hebrews 9:9) cannot perfect the conscience (the ancient Hebrews complied with rules in books and performed sacrifices, but this is just going through the motions and is not good enough). The Father (Creator) not only gave us His Son as a gift, but also gave us His [eternal]spirit to help us grow and learn to be like Him (Godly). When and if a person makes the personal decision to be a good student of God's spirit and adopt the attitudes, character, and have a preference for the ways of God in their heart, we will learn a more clear division between right and wrong (right is right and wrong is wrong, and never the twain shall meet). We will learn to make a very sharp division, as a sword would make, Ephesians 6:17, so that the change from right to wrong will be clear and abrupt with NO MIDDLE GROUND (James 1:17, " shadow or variation due to change).
The bible is A word of God and should be read in order to learn more about God and His ways (can also be used as a reference point for "serenity"/understanding human nature), but THE word that we should live by presently proceeds (not HAS PROCEEDED 2,000 yrs. ago) from the MOUTH of God when His spirit speaks. If we choose to live by the spirit of God instead of simply live by His book, we will not walk by faith (faith should be borne out of LOVE), we will walk by the SPIRIT (Galatians 5:25, "If we live by the spirit, let us also walk by the spirit").
Our ability to understand God (and our ability to understand scripture) is determined by our WILLINGNESS to REPENT (from worldly ways). If an unbeliever is a decent person to begin with, CONCEIVABLY, and perhaps ACTUALLY, there might not be anything to repent of. After acceptance of Jesus as purification of their soul (and if they also made the choice to be a good student of God's SPIRIT), the eternal spirit of God will show the decent person what improvements can be made in their character (by way of conscience, not by someone's busy body intimidation with shame and guilt). ONLY the spirit has the right to determine what (and IF, it is not our right to condemn or evaluate another person, we are each SOVEREIGN BEFORE GOD, accountable INITIALLY to conscience and ULTIMATELY to God). After having our souls purified by Jesus, good students of The Spirit will learn to be Godly and the spirit will purify our conscience (Hebrews 9:14) so that we will be able to stand daily before God with a clear conscience and our personal relationship with The Lord will be well intact (by rejecting conscience, some have damaged their personal relationship with The Lord and the relationship needs repair, 1 Timothy 1:19).
Mankind (and the institutions of Christianity) have always taught that we should FEAR God and that He is a PUNISHER (because mankind punishes and wants others to FEAR us, mankind can understand nothing different), but God is not like human beings and neither punishment nor the desire to be feared is relevant to God (God does suggest that we be mindful of Him and His power, WISDOM).
(I'm not going to give any verses to show that you should not FEAR God, your sense of LOVE for God and your fellow human being should not be based on what scripture determines, allows, suggests or mentions).
We constantly and enthusiastically invent interpretations of every verse that will allow us to ACCUSE, CONVICT, and PENALIZE/punish each other for every little infraction we can invent from scripture INTERPRETATION. So, our bias in reading is that we have a need to justify our own misgivings and justify them by CHOOSING to believe that God is the same. We end up with a rigor of devotion and even believe that we must degrade, mock, ridicule, criticize and abase SELF/our own flesh in order to be Godly (not all flesh is the same, 1 Cor. 15:39). We feel comfortable believing that God is PLEASED with a "rigor of devotion and self abasement" (Colossians 2:18 and 23) and that God rather we have regard for a multitude of COMMANDS instead of what PLEASES Him.
Mankind has declared prudish rules and codes of properness, codes of conduct, different codes of morality that determine what is acceptable in each culture, table manner codes, codes of etiquette, dress codes, etc. in order that we conform to "properness" and be "politically correct" (as opposed to "socially correct" not causing harm). God is not about sinning against codes, God is not about faith (Boy Scouts have faith in what they learn), God is not about the ability to acheive perfection (the Ten Commandments were the code of perfection), God is about "rivers of living water" (John 7:38) flowing from the heart (tears of sorrow/compassion,...mixed with Christ's blood at the cross). There is much suffering in the world (this world is certainly no heaven), so much so, that, at times, I "turn my laughter to tears..." James 4:9, so, my ultimate dream is not based on my existence in this world, but my life (eternal) of the next, John 12:25.
It is not just "THEY ("Christians")" who continue to profess the false doctrine of a literal interpretation, it is that the whole world has chosen a "comfort zone". I don't know how else to say it, but everyone (Christian or not, on this forum also) wants to argue "TEXTUAL"...INTERPRETATION rather than simply UNDERSTAND (does anyone INTERPRET a cooking recipe?).
Everyone wants to walk by FAITH, fear God like a monster (of course everyone wants to make excuses and say "Oh no, you have it wrong and misunderstand,..blah, blah" NO I DON'T), do whatever is convenient and good for their ego, deny conscience (or perhaps redeem it themselves), invent convenient and intellectually pleasing INTERPRETATIONS and crown themselves Christian of the year.
GOD IS LOVE ("the greatest of these" in 1 Cor. 13).
The worst misunderstanding about scripture is that love is taught as TYPES. Philos, agape, eros, and storge are types of love RELATIONSHIPS, not love itself. Love is one ATTITUDE of heart and mind, God is ONE, Galatians 3:20. How can anyone properly understand God if they have the wrong idea about LOVE?