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Re: hypocricy
purplepixie Views: 3,383
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 855,408

Re: hypocricy

Yes, you are right, everything has a consciousness of sorts, even the mere fruit and vegetable. But i think it is reasonable to stick to species that are able to cry or scream out in pain, in this instance.

My point was raised because 'pro-lifers' argue to kill a feotus is murder because it is a living, (sometimes)breathing, sentient being. The hypocracy i am questioning is if the focus is on such a species, then surely chickens, cows, pigs, turkey, wild fowl, skinned-alive animals for the fur trade, are also alive, breathing, conscious beings that feel the same level of pain and disturbance at the abbatoir. So, to me, it stands to reason, that a pro-life activist would be vegan.

Or is it all about species-ism?!

Us two-legged beings are far more superior than anything else that lives on this planet with us? If you consider that without all the other species here that in fact the human race could not survive. So surely, these grey areas do matter. Abortion Debate is not a clear cut issue.

Legislation is just a law that people unlikely to ever encounter, personally, the law they are passing, make up to make it look as if the issue is being legislated fairly.

It is worth listening to Dr Bruce Lipton, his series 'The biology of life' (available for free download on the net in audio format) Towards the end of the series he explains how the mothers mental and emotional state directly impacts a foetus. Aswell as of course the diet she consumes. It is an interesting listening experience that puts into perspective aside from the physical beginnings of life, the 'blueprint' the foetus has established just through its mothers thoughts, reactions and consumption.

We should be questioning whether a woman is fit enough emotionally, mentally and physically to have a child, if it is the welfare of that child we truly are talking about.



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