The problem with your statement is you are tragically comparing human beings to animals. The Bible tells us that man is to have dominion over all animals, birds of the earth, etc...However, He commands us to not murder, explains that children are a blessing, made in His image, etc, etc. There is a HUGE difference between an animal and human being.
However, it's not necessary to believe in the Bible or God...atheistic scientists confirm that life begins at conception...from that point begins the amazing journey of life and each stage is a foundation. You see, many argue that since unborn babies in the womb are dependent on their mothers then it's justifiable to terminate their lives. This isn't plausible any longer when we consider that newborns are dependent, children are dependent upon their parents, etc.
please don't misunderstand me...I am not making light of your feelings nor a vegan lifestyle. I totally respect that and there are many things I disagree with in the treatment of animals...not to mention it's entirely healthier to eat fruits and veggies and no meat. I just wanted to note that our culture has done a fine job at removing humanity from our unborn much so there are actually PhD professionals that refuse to believe true ultrasound pictures of life in the womb (they too closely resemble a baby and this would force us to admit it's human). We must take to heart the cold, hard truth...all of our lives began as a zygote. We became uniquely individual since at that point we gained our own DNA code containing all the details of who we grow to become! Here's a quick reference from you from an article on the web:
Her (or his) genetic make-up is established at conception, determining her unique individual physical characteristics -- gender, eye color, bone structure, hair color, skin color, susceptibility to certain diseases, etc. That is to say, at conception, the "genotype" -- the inherited characteristics of a unique human being -- is established and will remain in force for the entire life of this individual.
Although sharing the same nature with all human beings, the unborn individual, like each one of us, is unlike any that has been conceived before and unlike any that will ever be conceived again.
The only thing necessary for the growth and development of this human organism (as with the rest of us) is oxygen, food, and water, since this organism -- like the newborn, the infant, and the adolescent -- needs only to develop in accordance with her already-designed nature that is present at conception.
This is why French geneticist Jermoe L. LeJeune, while testifying before a Senate Subcommittee, asserted:
To accept the fact that after fertilization has taken place a new human has come into being is no longer a matter of taste or opinion. The human nature of the human being from conception to old age is not a metaphysical contention, it is plain experimental evidence. [2]
There is hence no doubt that the development of a unique individual human life begins at conception. It is vital that you -- the reader -- understand that...
You did not come from a zygote.
You once were a zygote.
You did not come from an embryo.
You once were an embryo.
You did not come from a fetus.
You once were a fetus.
You did not come from an adolescent.
You once were an adolescent...