ALL Lugol's is NOT for use in or out of the body!!
..or that's what the labels (almost always) usually say, when
Lugol's is purchased from anywhere BUT a holistic healer.
Iodine and 10% potassium
Iodide and water =
Lugol's SOLUTION. If the bottle says NOT for ingestions or topical use, it's STILL the same
Lugol's that you get in a bottle from JCrows that says the opposite.
There ARE different grades of chemicals; the difference between them is hairsplittingly miniscule. If one needs to be totally anal about it because of a lack of knowledge or education, that's their business...but to scare people away because of lack of knowledge is truly reprehensible.
Guess what? If you buy USP grade
Iodine and USP grade potassium
Iodine and use the most sterile of distilled water and mix it in a sterile lab???? It cannot be labeled USP grade until you pay the USP to come in a certify it as such.
There's usually a "Not for Internal Use" clearly printed on every label of Lugol's Solution that can be found ANYWHERE! (except holistic healers) Some bottles have a skull/crossbones poison warnings.
The bottles from MedEx have all the first aid instructions for emergency first aid:
If Ingested: give water and induce vomiting. Seek Immediate Medical Assistance.
(along with inhalation and skin contact instructions).
5% iodine and 10% potassium
Iodide and water = LUGOL'S SOLUTION. If the bottle says NOT for ingestions or topical use, it's STILL the same Lugol's that you get in a bottle from JCrows that says the opposite.
There ARE different grades of chemicals; the difference between them is hairsplittingly miniscule. If one needs to be totally anal about it because of a lack of knowledge or education, that's their business...but to scare people away because of lack of knowledge is truly reprehensible.
This is becoming truly sad. Come on people, GET A GRIP!