Hey CHUCKLE - GOOD MOOOOOOORNIN (-: !! Your procedure is very intriguing indeed. So, you don't take any epsoms, etc... What do you think about your flush versus the Tsetsi flush? Interesting how she recommends doing it in the morn...
Oh, my wife has continued with the kidney cleanse from Barefoot and feels fine. I joined her starting two days ago, and man!!, it has me peein quite a bit these first few days. Also get a twinge in the kidneys and the liver - YAY!!! I love it when i know that somethin is workin!!!!
I actually get the feelin/vibe that your flush and Tsetsi's are great compliments to "regular" flushes and plan on trying both, just not sure how to space them between full blown flushes in terms of the body's ability to recover from a "full" flush... I am so pleased and excited to be taking charge of my health!!!