Re: "resistance" and "reinfection"
Many valuable points made here. Thank you. Hulda might choose to debate some of what you say - as she seems to claim that her three herbs kill all (bear in mind the apparent fact (?) that it's supposed to be the
Iodine in BWH that goes to town on the bugs), while the Rx's are limited (you're right here!!) to specific species - but often more than just one species per drug.
ALSO - according to one of my doctors, REAL
Black-Walnut hull (properly cultivated for efficacy on
parasites in particular) is virtually impossible to find over the counter. Not sure I buy this, but he swears by it and has developed his own "brand" (Vibac - a combo of his BWH and other "proprietary" - oh I hate when I see this term - herbs...I tasted oil of oregano in it more than anything else, but he claims very little o of o is in it) after extensive (30 year) trial and error testing and much travel related research. Just an aside. It's late and I'm getting a bit loopy.
I'm interested in your source for the following:
>>Statistically however, the side effects of these drugs are associated with the level of infection. In other words, during safety testing these drugs are administered to healthy patients at GREAT quantites higher than the recommended dosage with usually few to no side effects. <<
I've not yet read exactly this, and I've also spoken w my pharmacist at length (not your typical pharmacist - very "hands on' and research oriented, at Florida's most respected compounding facility. Much of what you noted he did as well. I have the specs on half-life, etc. on all I have been prescribed.
But I was not told by anyone yet, nor have I read anywhere, that if my "die off" symptoms, or any symptoms (I don't completely equate recent/extreme liver pain - something I NEVER experience - with die off. Rather, I've understood this reaction as something to be concerned about due to the toxicity level of many of these Rx's.)
I have enormous "reaction" to the meds. But the manufacturers (Bayer, in the case of Praz/Bith) claim the meds are MUCH more effective with fatty meals (as in 6x more effective) - and I rarely get much fat in me aside from that of the Omega variety (3/6/9) - and certainly not the 40g per dose needed for full absorption (how many Big Macs is that - I'm a veg, trying to get beyond veg only but Big Macs just aren't in my future!!)
Where am going? Not really sure. Long talk w another pharmacist who believes that two rounds of two different Rxs is enough - or one is resistant. Both pharms postulate that we're probably dealing with another species than we've yet identified due to what's improved and what has not.
I guess I'm just pointing out that
parasite elimination is incredibly complicated, and quite related to the lifecycle situation, tissue invasion (how deep they've gone - how far outside GI) - whether one goes about it with organic means or pharmaceutical means.
Can you please give some source info or some links? I'd really like to read for myself what these scientific journals have to say about "reactivity". My searches often bring up same old same old...and not the info I'm really looking for - such as what you've noted.
Thanks for this post. I think your comments have a good deal of strength and importance. I'm hoping others will comment/respond to your post, point by point - agree or disagree - shed more light, further elaborate on one statement or another, etc.