I'd say no...
Worried about your "organic" produce? The "organic" standard is hard to enforce or monitor. Silver Colloid can hyperoxygenate any pathogens it can come in contact with but pesticides have an oil base that might block contact, or produce might get a secondary exposure to oily exhaust residue. I think I'd use a baking soda or even a salt solution first to wash off any possible oily residue that would protect pathogens. Then I would use a silver colloid generator to beef up standard 3% hydrogen peroxide for three minutes per liter. This will give a very aggressive oxygenator that will bleach the dead on your hands white but really clean up the veggies. Spray this on after cutting open stalks, leaves etc. to reach all areas.
I'm no rocket scientist but I think that if you made this peroxide solution too strong it could heat up or spontaneously combust especially if open to the air. You are adding silver, an oxidizer catalyst, to an oxidizer, peroxide. Stop the silver colloid generator at three minutes for a standard 3% drugstore hydrogen peroxide.
Consider looking into a portable MIOX generator from Mountain Safety Research. This creates virtually unlimited amounts of powerful mixed oxidizers (MIOX) that act like mega-bleach and can kill 100% of stubborn
parasites like Giardia after four hours, killing less hardy pathogens at only 1/2 hour. If you suspect parasites, put the veggies in to soak for four hours when you first make the solution so it detoxes along with anything in the water.
The MIOX solution is like a powerful oxidizer before you dilute it in water so be careful not to get it into eyes or on clothing. This is like a water treatment plant and is the size of a 6" flashlight and costs under $200 dollars, needing only fresh batteries and salt to run. God bless!