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Re: 3% H2O2/Hydrogen Peroxide in India to nordskoven
trapper/kcmo Views: 2,418
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 84,205

Re: 3% H2O2/Hydrogen Peroxide in India to nordskoven

greetings to you in india!

iodine is not a good thing to ingest except in food like kelp. some forms are poison and too much Iodine can shut down the thyroid temporarily. it is a necessary trace element that is supplemented in the US in table salt . pure Sea Salt will do the same thing and is much better for you.

the problem you are having, i imagine, is sterile water. it would be best if you could make your own distilled water. if you could do that, you could make your own Colloidal Silver .

assuming you have adequately potable water, you could use the cheap hydorgen peroxide to rinse your vegetables and then rinse them in water. you might even dilute it 50/50 with water for this. what makes this h2o2 not for internal use is the stabilizers they put in it to keep it from loosing its oxygen on the shelf. it is the stablizers that are not good for you, so you would remove them in a second rinse in plain water.

another way to go is to ozonate your own water, but these machines too are spendy, like a distiller. if you had both, you would have it made.

making sure you are healthy is the best defense against the diseases you talk about. even washing in serilized water is better than nothing. and eating raw food and getting fresh air and sunshine is your best medicine.

i dont know if you had Antibiotics with your illnesses, but if you did, recovering your internal good bacteria is a must for regaining your immune function. these can come from items like yogurt with live culture and from, believe it or not, eating fresh roots that you pick yourself but dont wash them. if you are the only one who handled them and they came from clean dirt not fertilized with chemicals or human waste or contaminated by pesticides or other poisons, that dirt has the bacteria you need. we are, after all, made from the earth.

love and life to you.


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