35% vs. 3% H2O2/Hydrogen Peroxide and Silver Colloid
Silver Colloid is great to preserve foods, and will revive wilted
Celery and prevent cut flowers from fading if used in soaking solutions. But blasting through cell walls or scrambling the DNA of pathogens in tainted food isn't what Silver Colloid does best. Silver Colloid probably acts as a catalyst to boost the body's own levels of H202, as Hydrogen Peroxide is a vital, natural element in the immune response. It acts in just the same way Silver Colloid supercharges 3% H2O2/Hydrogen Peroxide, the safer, commercially available dilution.
When Silver Colloid is used internally, remember that supplementation to replace depleted levels of the master antioxidant complex, Glutathione, is needed. Perking up Glutathione levels is best done by taking N-Acetyl Cysteine, a precursor to Glutathione, as well as to Taurine and Methionine, the important sulphur-based amino acids. Glutathione supplements don't uptake well in the guts so raise levels with NAC/N-Acetyl Cysteine. Vitamin E, abundant and inexpensive in Grape Seed oil, plus micro-nutrient amounts of Selenium (a mineral that is toxic in high doses) as from a couple of Brazil nuts daily, will protect the liver from oxidative distress and anti-oxidant depletion with Silver Colloid use.
Here's a nice tutorial on H202 from a supplier of 35% H2O2. One link even cites the ear as a viral infection nexus that is interesting. Please note the difference between 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, which is widely available, and the exotic 35% H2O2, which can take your hide off if not diluted:
In an emergency situation, when 35% Hydrogen Peroxide isn't available to clean food or purify water, you can supercharge 3% Hydrogen Peroxide with a three minute cook time per liter. It will whiten dead skin on your hands as it becomes more aggressive, so handle with care. Greater cook time may make it too caustic to the skin to handle safely and it may become dangerously unstable. Never supercharge 35%
H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) with Silver Colloid as it may explode.