Re: The Notion of Reinfection
I don't have a microscope and my observations are simply from having a sense of what is going on in my body, but...
The first time I drank warm milk with cloves in it, I had a huge bowel movement a couple hours later and there was oogles of something that looked like bird seed or cous cous floating in the toilet. I'd never shat anything like that before, and I presume it was eggs of some kind.
It also feels to me like the small
parasites are pretty easy to kill with a big dose of medicine. I can feel these little stringy thread like things wiggling on my tongue and pinworms stinging me. I take anti-parasiticals and it stops.
The most troublesome are (what feels like) big ones. And I presume they are the ones laying eggs and causing the baby stringy thread like worms to hatch out. They sting me hard and cause me to flinch when I take a dose large enough to affect them.
I wonder what will happen when a
parasite large enough to move my calf muscle and make me flinch dies? How long will it take my body to eliminate the decaying debris from my system? What kind of bacteria will be released into my system? Will it make me sick? How sick? Etc.
So I get my system cleaned out, except for the mamas and papas, and I'm afraid to take a dose big enough to kill them, and they lay more eggs and I start getting stiff and itching and I kill off another round of hatchlings....
Have any of you experienced the death of big ones? What was it like? How big of a dose did you have to take?
Another thing that scares me when I start going after the big ones is the sensation of movement that I get in my head. I am sure there is a
parasite in my head. I can feel them move. It is disturbing, to say the least.
When I'm dosing myself to kill off hatchlings, I get paranoid and fearful, anxious and irritable. When I start going after the big ones, my memory gets really bad. I cannot remember whether I've taken a dose, or when I took the last dose. My short term memory is so interrupted that I can't even remember whether I just swallowed a pill or not, so I'm afraid to take another one. I feel like I need a nurse to supervise my meds, but I'm so paranoid I'd probably think they were trying to kill me. It's a trip like no other.
I'd really like to hear from anyone with experience getting rid of big ones.