My story; the short of it...coconut oil topically is the best thing i've found
Alright, my story is long, I'll tell you first what works for me, in case you don't want to or don't have the time to read the whole thing. Then I'll list what I tried and what didn't work.
What works for me: COCONUT OIL APPLIED TOPICALLY (I use Organic Extra Virgin, I'll tell you which brand if you want but it probably doesn't matter). I had a terrible case of jock itch for about three years, thinking it was herpes the whole time. Its a long story as to why I thought it was herpes so I'll skip it, but it might explain the other things I tried...all of which didn't work for any decent amount of time.
Basically: I had to apply the coconut oil multiple times daily (whenever I started itching again) in the beginning, because my case was so bad. The jock itch finally went away, but comes back in a mild form every so I just apply more coconut oil whenever that happens. THIS IS THE ONLY THING THAT HAS EVER WORKED FOR ME! Even the over the counter creams and sprays never did the trick, which is simply bizarre, in my opinion.
What I tried before finding coconut oil:
1) I would wake up every night itching like crazy, so I'd go to the bathroom and put some rubbing alcohol on some toilet paper and apply that, which would make the itching go away for the most or all of the night...IT OBVIOUSLY BURNS LIKE HELL, so I wouldn't recommend it!
2) Raw Garlic...orally; topically (olive oil and crushed garlic); and finally, cut up slices of raw garlic, placing the slices where it itched.
3) Liver Flushes/Cleansing/Vegetarianism (2.5 years vegetarian)/going Vegan, etc.
4) Valtrex (hahaha...I couldn't understand why my "herpes" wouldn't go away even with massive daily doses of 1000mg for months) - This obviously was useless and I would have never done it if my doctor had taken a closer look at my problem.
5) DSM and Hydrogen Peroxide (Topically): this was when I still thought it was herpes . Some people in the herpes forums and internet sites said this would work, but it did little, since this wasn't herpes!
6) Ozone therapy; Autohemotherapy (in Spain, which is where I found out that it was a micotic infection, not herpes.) I only had three sessions, and they were so expensive that I had to stop them (and they weren't working)...these were the doctors that actually told me it appeared to be jock itch.
7) OTC creams and sprays for jock itch: These worked for a little while, but they're nasty substances and didn't make the jock itch go away even after weeks of multiple daily applications.
8) Liquid dish soap, applied topically. (I read about that on curezone,
Okay, I probably tried more than what I listed, but this is all I can remember for now. Basically, COCONUT OIL applied topically is the only thing that has worked for me. If you can't find anything that works, DEFINITELY give coconut oil a try. Be persistant, applying more whenever you itch. Taking it orally doesn't hurt either, but orally alone didn't do the trick for me.
Shoot me an email if you'd like; I'd be happy to answer any questions that anyone might have! Feel free to pass this info along, as I didn't look for the "perfect" place to post this info...I just felt it was finally time I gave back to the curezone community.