I did a lot of research on the subject of jock itch, ringworm and athlete's foot. My daughter had athlete's foot, which she gave her brother, he had ringworm on his back, and then on his groin, which is what is the famous jock itch.
These different problems are actually manifestations of one single agent: the tinea fungus. You can try pharmaceutical products, like Tinactin, and spend a lot of money. Or, understanding all of this is one and only one skin fungus, you can cure it for no money at all, quick and easy. The best cure: vinegar. I did use apple cider vinegar, 'cause I like natural stuff, in the hope of nurturing good flora on the skin, but cheap white vinegar, called "boot vinegar" in our snowy northern area, (as one of its main uses is removing calcium stains from winter boots), will just work as well.
Tinea is just a skin parasite, like any other, and it doesn't depend on your level of, say, health or personal correctness, if you catch it or not. You can get it from contact with infected people, or walking barefoot at the pool, for example, as the fungus will survive for a while in humid areas. Cats and dogs can be carriers too. There is a lot of cross-contamination between people and their animals.
Vinegar is very acidic, and this fungus cannot live in an acidic medium. To cure the problem forever, just use a cotton pad or ball soaked in vinegar. Just apply a little vinegar on the lesions, at least once a day, and let it dry without rinsing. You can do it morning and night, it's going to heal quicker. Use a new piece of cotton each time, of course. On my 6-7 years old son's groin, he couldn't do it himself, so I used a spray bottle, to not touch him in that area. He was pretty sensitive, his skin was probably creviced, so I cut the vinegar half and half with water to ease the sting.
Do that everyday, and it will disappear from your life, within 10 days to 3 weeks. Garanteed.
Of course, we change all our clothes everyday. I was careful to use a disinfecting agent in the socks and underwear washes (just regular chlorine or oxygen bleach).
Et voilà!
I also discovered that heels that crack till bleeding, that no amount of lotion will soften, are also often infected by the tinea fungus. I sprayed my feet all over with vinegar and let it dry. It worked! That painful problem had plagued me for long, and and I can now say I have been free from it since more than 2 years.
Here are 2 more products you can use to help you get rid of that fungus: Tea Tree oil (Melaleuca Australiensis), and Neem oil. Just apply one or the other to the affected areas after the vinegar treatment. Tea Tree oil is well known. Neem oil is from India, a very powerful antifungal and anti-parasite. You can find it in many Indian grocery stores, or on the Web. A 3-4
oz bottle is 5-6$ max. Don't get ripped! ;-)
I have a friend who has had fungus in his toenails for years. He got a shallow covered dish to keep the vinegar in, filled it with apple cider vinegar, soaked his whole feet in it for 20 minutes every night, let them dry without rinsing off the vinegar, etc. I thought it would take 2-3 months for him to see an improvement, as the fungus attacks the nailbed, and nails need a couple of months to grow back. Well, after only a few days, he told me he was already feeling much better: the fungus had been causing inflammation in his toes so they were swelling up, and that was already receding. I told him to massage his toenails with Neem oil after each treatment, making it penetrate in every little corner and crevice, trying to get it under the nail and to the nail bed, that this would amplify the effects of the treatment. I hope he gets himself some Neem oil, but he already sees a vast improvement with just vinegar.
I have another friend who is a podiatrist. She knows about these traditional uses of vinegar. She couldn't use it when she was working with doctors at a medical clinic, but now that she has her own clinic, she does use it instead of other medications in cases of nail fungus.
About domestic animals: if there is jock itch, ringworm, or athlete's foot in your home, you also have to treat ringworm lesions on cats or dogs. People often are infected by their animals, and the opposite is also true. For small lesions, just wet the affected area with vinegar, massage it into the hair down to the skin, and let it dry. Try to repeat regularly and soon everything will be gone. If your animal has more than one lesion, it would be advisable to treat him all over. One cure often used by cat breeders is lime sulfur. The animal or the botanical variety work just as well, but the botanical variety is less expensive. (Is this a case of inflation due to the name tag?) The animal variety is easily found on the Internet or at farm supply stores. The botanical variety is found at every hardware store or garden center. For all that matters, sulfur is a known fungicide. To use it, you just spray the animal all over with a dilution of the stuff and rub it in the hair down to the skin, not forgetting the belly, around the ears and face, the rear end, and between toenails. (Very important: animals scratch itchy areas, so toenails can be infected, and the area between the toes too). Dilution should be between 1:16 to 1:32 with water. Again, let dry without rinsing. I think it is easier than wetting a whole cat or dog with vinegar! Most of all, with vinegar, you would absolutely need to avoid the eye and nose areas, as well as the ears and other orifices, as it would be highly irritant. Lime sulfur is much less irritant. Some cat breeders just make a bath of lime sulfur in which they dip the animal; however, in my opinion, it is easier to spray and rub than dip and rub, as you need to get the product down to the skin. And you need less of it.
Last but not least, vinegar will rid you of warts, much better than expensive medications or painful nitrogen burning. Just soak a piece of cotton in vinegar, put it on the wart for at least 20 minutes, let dry without rinsing. Do that every day and Missy Wart will soon be gone. My daughter had a wart under her big toe. No medication from the drug store worked. We had it burned many times with nitrogen at a medical clinic. The next week, the nurse would scrape it with a scalpel. It was painful, we had to wait a lot, and the wart kept on growing back inwards, the thick skin under the toe covering and enclosing it. After so many complaints from my daughter, I researched alternative wart cures, and this was actually our first encounter with the healing properties of apple cider vinegar. I just soaked a cotton pad in apple cider vinegar, put it on the wart area, covered it in plastic film, secured everything with scotch tape so the whole thing wouldn't slip off her toe, put a sock on that foot and left it like that for the night. Repeated the treatment for 10 days, after which no more wart, no more pain. What a relief, after months and months of hassle and unsuccessful, painful, expensive treatments.
Since then, we saw warts cured on many people thanks to this simple recipe.
So simple and easy: I guess the wart virus, just like the tinea fungus, doesn't like acidic mediums. It's logical, too: vinegar has been used for many centuries to preserve food, precisely because most life forms cannot survive in such an acidic medium. Soaking a fungal lesion or a wart in vinegar, we are actually pickling it, killing the microorganisms generating it. That's the beauty of this long proven, simple, traditional folk medicine recipe.
Please let me know if you try it, I'd be really glad to get your feedback.
Good luck to you! :-)